Excel Shortcuts : 10 Powerful Excel Shortcuts You Need to Know!
# Job Tips

Excel Shortcuts : 10 Powerful Excel Shortcuts You Need to Know!

post by Chloe Chan

by Chloe Chan

Mar 10, 2024
at 4:01 PM

Excel Shortcuts : 10 Powerful Excel Shortcuts You Need to Know!

Drowning in spreadsheets? Feeling slow and bogged down? Fear not! 10 most powerful Excel shortcuts that will transform you from a spreadsheet novice to a conquering pro.  Let's supercharge your Excel skills!

Excel can be a daunting program, but mastering a few key shortcuts can transform your efficiency. Here are 10 shortcuts that will supercharge your spreadsheet skills:


Navigate Like a Pro:

  • Arrow Keys: Move one cell at a time (Up/Down/Left/Right).
  • Home/End: Jump to the beginning/end of a row (Home) or column (End with Ctrl held).
  • PgUp/PgDn: Move by entire screens.
  • Ctrl + Home: Go to the very top left cell (A1).
  • Ctrl + End: Reach the last used cell in your sheet.

Selection Champ:

  • Ctrl + A: Select all data on the worksheet.
  • Ctrl + Space: Select the entire current column.
  • Shift + Space: Select the entire current row.
  • Copy & Paste on Steroids:
  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected cells.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste copied cells, maintaining formatting (by default).
  • Ctrl + T: Transpose your copied data (rows become columns and vice versa).


Formula Fanatic:

  • F4: "Absolute Reference Magic" - Toggles between absolute and relative cell references in formulas (e.g., $A$1 vs. A1).
  • Enter (after formula): Confirms the formula and moves you down one cell.
  • Ctrl + Enter (after formula in multiple cells): Applies the same formula to all selected cells.

Formatting Frenzy:

  • Ctrl + 1: Open the Format Cells dialog box for extensive formatting options.

Quick Saves

  • Ctrl + S: Save your spreadsheet.

Undo Mishaps:

  • Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.

Autofill FTW:

  • Drag the little square in the corner of a cell down (or across) to copy the formula or formatting to adjacent cells. Excel will intelligently adjust relative references as needed.

Find & Replace:

  • Ctrl + F: Open the Find and Replace dialog box to locate and modify specific data.

Charting in a Flash:

  • Select your data range.
  • Click the "Recommended Charts" button on the Insert tab to explore various chart options for quick visualization.


These are just a taste of the time-saving power of Excel shortcuts.  Practice these and explore more to become a spreadsheet superstar!

FAQs on Shortcut Excel:

  1. How can I learn more shortcuts?
    - Excel offers a built-in shortcut list. Press Ctrl + Shift + ? to open it. Additionally, online resources and cheat sheets abound – a quick web search for "Excel shortcuts" will provide a wealth of options.
  2.  Can I customize shortcuts?
    - Yes! Excel allows you to create custom keyboard shortcuts for functions you use frequently. Go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon, then select the "Keyboard Shortcuts" button.
  3.  What if I forget a shortcut?
    - No worries! Most shortcuts have menu equivalents. The ribbon organizes functions by category, so you can usually find what you need with a little browsing.
  4. Are there shortcuts for specific functions?
    - Absolutely!  Excel has shortcuts for a vast array of functions. Refer to the built-in shortcut list or online resources to discover shortcuts for functions you use regularly.
  5. How can I become faster at using shortcuts?
    - Practice is key! Integrate these shortcuts into your daily workflow and you'll see your speed improve naturally.

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