Good Reasons for Leaving a Job
# Life Hack # Job Tips

Good Reasons for Leaving a Job

post by Hong Yuan

by Hong Yuan

Apr 28, 2024
at 4:44 PM

The interview is going well. You've connected with the interviewer, highlighted your skills, and expressed your enthusiasm for the position. Then, the interviewer asks the dreaded question – "Why are you leaving your current job?"

This seemingly simple question can cause even the most prepared candidate to stumble. But don't be afraid! Here's the key: frame your answer to showcase your ambition and how the new opportunity aligns with your career goals.

This article will be your guide to conquering this interview hurdle. We would break down why interviewers ask about your current job and give you tips to answer brilliantly. You will also get example answers to help you stand out. In addition, we will show you how to be honest without being negative, all while proving you're the ideal candidate for the role!

So, take a deep breath, and get ready to turn this common interview question into an opportunity to impress!


Why do employers ask why you want to leave your current job?

Interview Process

Employers ask why you're leaving your current job for a few reasons:

  • Understanding your motivations: They want to know what drives you in your career. Are you ambitious and seeking growth? Do you value work-life balance? By understanding your motivations, they can assess if you'd be a good fit for their company culture and the role itself.
  • Assessing potential red flags: While negativity about your current employer isn't ideal, it's more about how you express it. If you constantly bash your boss or company, it might raise a red flag about your temperament.
  • Determining if you'll be happy there:   If you're leaving your current job for reasons that are present at the new company (like fast paces working environment), you might not be happy long-term.


Good reasons to mention when an interviewer asks why you want to leave your current job:

Focus on Career Growth and Opportunity:

  • Career Advancement: "I'm looking for a new challenge and the opportunity to take on more responsibility. In my current role, I've reached a point where I feel there's limited opportunity for advancement."
  • Skill Development: "I'm eager to expand my skillset in [specific area]. While I've learned a lot at my current company, this new position seems like a great fit to develop my skills in [area]."
  • Industry Change: "I'm passionate about [industry] and this role aligns perfectly with my desire to move into this exciting field." (This is especially good if you're transitioning careers)


Compensation and Benefits:

  • Competitive Salary and Benefits: "While compensation is important, it's not the only factor. However, the salary and benefits package for this role is more competitive with my experience and aligns better with my financial goals." (Be upfront but focus on the positive aspects of the new offer)


Highlight Work Environment:

  • Company Culture: "I'm looking for a company culture that values [specific value, e.g. collaboration, innovation] and this company seems to embody that from what I've researched." (Focus on the positive culture you seek, not criticizing your current one)
  • Work-Life Balance: "While I enjoy my work at my current company, I'm seeking a role that allows for a better work-life balance. This position's [schedule or flexibility aspect] seems like a great fit for my needs."
  • Values Misalignment: "My values are increasingly focused on [mention specific values, e.g. sustainability, social impact]. This new opportunity seems more in line with those values, which is important to me in my work."


Be Honest About Limitations:

  • Lack of Growth: "In my current role, there are limited opportunities for [growth, promotion, leadership]. This new job seems like it has a clear path to move up, which is something I'm exhausted looking for in my career.
  • Company Restructuring: "My current company is undergoing a significant restructuring, and there's uncertainty about the future of my position. I'm looking for a stable environment where I can contribute my skills and grow."


By following these tips, you can craft a response that demonstrates your ambition and highlights why you'd be a valuable addition to their team.