***** ******'s avatar'
***** ******1 year agoAbout Job Interview


刚面试美术教师时候问了有什么工作内容,老板就是:教小朋友美术,打扫卫生,记录货之类的。(后来就说会教我美术的东西、需要去考试还是training三年合约之类but这些都是等确定过后)结果去工作时就发现做的东西都是会计师的工作包括记账、算账、报账、报名、退学、办手续等等包含推销课程???(因为我本身就是非常社恐的人,以前有做过幼教面对小朋友就还好,面对大人就非常害怕不知道要说什么)最近受不了想辞职结果问了老板就说:不行我已经开始课程、要退要赔钱!(她一开始也没告诉我现在才来说我做哪些是要给付钱)一直带着恐惧心态去工作真的很压力 -关于我的letter offer里有➕合约是否可以辞职?(完全没有签过任何contract letter只有letter offer而已) 如果是大家还想继续工作下去?
Serene Wong's avatar'
Serene Wong1 year ago
If the job responsibilities and duties shared during the interview differ significantly from what you end up doing on the job, it is absolutely reasonable to reconsider your position and possibly resign. It is important to have clear communication with your employer about job expectations and responsibilities before accepting the offer or starting work. Regarding the contract, it would be best to review any terms or clauses that mention resigning or termination before making any decisions. However, if the job is causing you excessive stress and anxiety, it may be best to prioritize your mental health and well-being and evaluate whether staying in the job is worth it. Ultimately, the decision to continue working or resign depends on individual circumstances and personal priorities. It is recommended to speak with HR or a supervisor about any concerns or issues before making a final decision.