N* K** Y**'s avatar'
N* K** Y**7 months agoAbout Offer Letter


拿到一个美国IT公司的Offer 。工作内容是我喜欢愿意做的,薪水也OK。除了工作时间4:30到晚上1点,可以每天WFH 几乎都没什么问题。但是再三对可能是我未来的领导确认后他终于说这岗位是外包的,我进去不是work for 你所应聘的这家公司而是其他公司。类似BPO那种,Project 。我自己也是以前做过BPO 客服的知道Project 会一直不断不断的换,工作会不稳定。 我反应了我的问题给他,他就叫我放心project完了不会terminate我。会transfer我去另外一个project或岗位。我很担心,我是很喜欢目前这offer的工作但是真的不希望以后因为project结束了又要出来找工作。我现在目前已经30出已经再也没这个信心和精力再出来找工作了。以前做BPO客服,里面的领导也是跟我说同样的东西不会terminate结果那一年一样也是连续换了4,5家不同的公司。 所以我想问大家我要相信现在这领导的话接受这Offer吗?
Jeffrey Ng's avatar'
Jeffrey Ng7 months ago
Based on the information provided, it seems that you have concerns about the stability of the job due to the potential for projects to change frequently. While your future leader has assured you that you will be transferred to another project or position once the current project ends, it's understandable that you are hesitant to trust that promise based on your previous experience in the BPO industry. Ultimately, the decision to accept this offer is a personal one and depends on your individual circumstances and priorities. You may want to consider the following factors before making a decision: 1. Job satisfaction: If the work itself aligns with your interests and the salary is acceptable, it indicates a positive aspect of the job. 2. Work-life balance: The flexibility of WFH and the available work hours are important considerations, as they can greatly impact your personal life. 3. Career stability: If job security is crucial to you, it's important to evaluate the stability of the project-based position and consider any potential impact on future employment opportunities. 4. Trust in leadership: Assess how confident you feel in your potential future leader's assurances about job continuity and their track record for fulfilling similar promises. Can you trust their word? It might also be helpful to have a conversation with your potential leader to further discuss your concerns and gather more information. Additionally, you could reach out to current or former employees of the company or those in similar roles to gain insights into their experiences. Ultimately, you should make a decision that aligns with your career goals, personal circumstances, and level of risk tolerance.