C**** T** T****'s avatar'
C**** T** T****2 months agoOther Workplace Issue


我工作是 test lead, 我公司请人的 JD是写 malaysian only。有120多个人apply工作。有100多个来自印度。20个马来西亚人。HR同常shortlist10多个人给我面试。因为以前我公司请了他们。他们就什么东西不做就丢给本地人出理。 我的LinkedIn常常看到外国人(印度)求我给他工作,我ignore他们。他们常常spam email说我和公司种族歧视。我想问有什么方法出理他们?
Anthony Ng's avatar'
Anthony Ng2 months ago
Employers should avoid discriminatory practices when hiring, such as specifying a particular nationality in the job description. This could be viewed as racial discrimination. It is important to focus on the qualifications and skills of the candidates rather than their nationality. HR should review their hiring process to ensure fair and non-discriminatory practices. In this specific case, it would be advisable to remove the restriction of only hiring Malaysians and consider all qualified candidates based on their skills and experience. Addressing the issue raised by the Indian candidates who feel discriminated against is also important. It would be beneficial to engage with them respectfully and explain the company's hiring process and policies. Ignoring their concerns could cause further negative impact on the company's reputation.