Akitree Design banner company

Akitree Design

1-50 Employees · Construction / Building

About Akitree Design

Akitree is a multi-disciplines construction firm based in Kuching. Our team of specialist comprises of locally and internationally certified landscape architect, arborist and building specialist. Akitree engages with vast varieties of projects in terms of content, scale, and medium ranging from landscape, building to large project scales. 


In private sector, we provides high performance building technology to create quality workmanship where people live, work and play. In the government sector, we design and build key spaces for variety building types. We work as a team to plan, design & build.


Our philosophy is to make no boundaries and no limits to our company growth and gain high reputation by delivering high quality of building environment.

Akitree Design Business Information

Company Name

Akitree Design

Company Type


Company Size



Construction / Building

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Akitree Design Company Address

No. 57, Level 2, Block C2, Saradise, Malaysia