Authentic Education banner company

Authentic Education

<50 Employees · Education / Training

About Authentic Education

AEC is a primary and secondary education center. Apart from focusing on students' academic studies, our center also serves as a bridge for communication and coordination between students, schools, and parents. We provide updates to parents about their children's progress. Alongside academic learning, we emphasize fostering independent thinking and communication skills in children's developmental journey. In addition to regular coursework and tutoring, we offer supplementary knowledge such as reading, games, and financial literacy. We aim to instill values of mutual assistance, respect, positivity, and optimism, guiding children towards a path of healthy, high-quality, and joyful growth.

Authentic Education Business Information

Company Name

Authentic Education

Company Type

Small-Medium Enterprize

Company Size



Education / Training

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Authentic Education Company Address

55-3 Jalan Pisang Embun, Air Itam, Pulau Pinang