DZH Lifestyle Sdn Bhd banner company

DZH Lifestyle Sdn Bhd

Company SSM No 1194295-M · 1-50 Employees · Food / Beverage

About DZH Lifestyle Sdn Bhd

DZH Seafood Saunnaboat – Hong Kong’s Latest Food Trend “Suanna-potting” is in KL city!


Despite the humid weather, locals still love having steamboat. New in The TREC, Jalan Tun Razak, a new restaurant DZH Seafood Saunnaboat opens, bringing Hong Kong’s hottest food trend “Saunna-Potting” to Malaysian. This is really a new way of eating steamboat. Nope you aren’t going to have it in a box. Instead, you are gonna steam your food first before drinking your porridge soup at the last.


So what happens is, the staff will first pour the raw rice grains and your desired soup base to the bottom of the pot. Then the raw ingredients went through high speed steaming. Depending on what ingredients are added, it takes just two to six minutes for a dish to be cooked!


What’s so good about steaming? Well, it allows all natural juices and nutrients of the ingredients are sealed in. In turn, the dishes boast a light yet robust flavour.


DZH Lifestyle Sdn Bhd Business Information

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DZH Lifestyle Sdn Bhd

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Food / Beverage

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DZH Lifestyle Sdn Bhd Company Address

DZH Seafood Saunaboat Restaurant, T-G-03, Terraces, TREC 436 & 438, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia