Industrializadora Integral de Agave banner company

Industrializadora Integral de Agave

Employees · Other industries

About Industrializadora Integral de Agave

Establish since 1996 our company IIDEA has dedicated more than a decade to industrialize foods and beverages from the Agave Azul. The Agave syrup, is now a day, a growing product as an alternative sweetener in the global market. The Agave Inulin is a highly prebiotic fiber 100% soluble and its demand has shown a growth in the last 5 years. And of course we could not be agave industrialist if we don’t produce our tequila, which by the way is the first organic tequila in the world.
Our sales forecast indicates that we need to provide more services and reduce the distance between our clients and our company based in Guadalajara Mexico. Therefore we now have commercial offices and warehouses in Mexico City, Holland and in a few months Singapore.

Industrializadora Integral de Agave Business Information

Company Name

Industrializadora Integral de Agave

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Other industries

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Industrializadora Integral de Agave Company Address

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