Institution of Civil Engineers banner company

Institution of Civil Engineers

Employees · Construction / Building

About Institution of Civil Engineers

Who is the ICE Group? 

The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a global membership organisation that promotes and advances civil engineering around the world. Our purpose is to qualify professionals engaged in civil engineering, exchange knowledge and best practice and promote their contribution to society.


Our members help to create the structures and systems that sustain society – the infrastructure that enables us to live our daily lives. Civil engineers are responsible for designing, building, maintaining and improving bridges, roads, airports, canals, docks, hospitals, schools, power stations, railways, flood defences, water supply, waste management facilities and more!


Thomas Telford Ltd (TTL) is our commercial arm, creating specialist products and services for the civil engineering and construction markets. These include books, journals, recruitment and training, as well as best practice, news and networking opportunities. One Great George Street is part of TTL and is the hospitality business responsible for running the award-winning central London conference and wedding venue.


Whether it’s through providing member services, sharing civil engineering knowledge, selling our products, or providing a high standard of service, everyone involved in ICE Group is committed to creating the worldwide home of Civil Engineering.

Institution of Civil Engineers Business Information

Company Name

Institution of Civil Engineers

Company Type


Company Size


Construction / Building

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website