iOffice Gateway Sdn Bhd banner company

iOffice Gateway Sdn Bhd

Employees · Other industries

About iOffice Gateway Sdn Bhd

iOfficeGateway is a local leading provider of intelligence office operations and management applications called MIND. MIND is designed to help customers realise their goals in creating and sustaining a hospitable working environment by combining the use of existing office systems with ICT and web technologies to address the 3 common elements of a modern day office environment in the areas of communications, security and energy management.
Product & Services
MIND iAccess - eHRMIND iCreditControlMIND iPhone - ePhone, eBill, Call CentreMIND iPowerMIND iVideo

iOffice Gateway Sdn Bhd Business Information

Company Name

iOffice Gateway Sdn Bhd

Company Type


Company Size


Other industries

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Job Vacancies


iOffice Gateway Sdn Bhd Company Address

6-5-5, Tower 1, Queeen's Avenue Jalan Shelly 55100, Malaysia