Laidlunos banner company


1-50 Employees · Other industries

About Laidlunos

Our desire is to persuade people to invest their skin with our product. Therefore we innovate and provide the latest technology in our products.

Our Vision is to become a beauty brand which is needed by everyone and the wider community by providing products with the latest, safe, high quality and best innovations to become a solution for all skin types.

Our Mission is to provide our best and safest formulas with innovation and quality that we care for the skin of our customers. We also provide good service to buyers and users with friendliness, alertness and honesty.

Laidlunos Business Information

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Company Size



Other industries

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Job Vacancies


Company Website

Laidlunos Company Address

Jl. Rasamala No.7, Cihapit, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40114, Malaysia