Unigen Corporation banner company

Unigen Corporation

51-200 Employees · Manufacturing / Production

About Unigen Corporation

Founded in 1991, Unigen Corporation is a leader in the design and manufacturing of enterprise-grade flash storage, DRAM, and wireless communication modules. Unigen is a privately-held company, with corporate headquarters located in Fremont, California, where it operates its state-of-the-art, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO *4001:2004 Design, Manufacturing, and Test facility. Unigen's global manufacturing network allows flexibility to transition projects to fulfill customers' needs by optimizing operations and enabling strategically located manufacturing, design and sales facilities in Vietnam, Taiwan, China, and Malaysia. This results in lowering costs and minimizing time-to-market. Unigen's global presence is further extended with a worldwide network of manufacturer's representatives throughout North America, and Europe. The Value we deliver is more than just added - it's integrated. Unigen - Solutions for a Real-Time World!

Unigen Corporation Business Information

Company Name

Unigen Corporation

Company Type


Company Size



Manufacturing / Production

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

Unigen Corporation Company Address

45388 Warm Spring Blvd. Fremont, CA 94539, Malaysia