Versasec AB banner company

Versasec AB

1-50 Employees · IT / Software

About Versasec AB

Versasec is a leader in passwordless identity and access management, providing security solutions for managing digital identities.

We deliver high-security, easy-to-use solutions for securely authenticating and managing user credentials.

The company is global, with offices in eight countries spanning four continents and with customers all over the world. The Versasec team is an agile and fast-growing group of professionals.

Our Malaysian branch is based in Kuala Lumpur, serving customers and technology partners in the APAC region.

Versasec AB Business Information

Company Name

Versasec AB

Company Type


Company Size



IT / Software

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies


Company Website

Versasec AB Company Address

Swedish headquarter, 8 worldwide branches, Malaysia