Vox Coffee banner company

Vox Coffee

Company SSM No 002296846-H · 1-50 Employees · Food / Beverage

About Vox Coffee

VOX Coffee is a company that has full enthusiasm about Coffee Quality & Taste. We believe customers deserved the best coffee bean in the world and we choose Doi Chaang Coffee Beans. Why Doi Chaang?
Doi Chaang Coffee is a single-estate, premium Arabica coffee. It is certified organic, shade grown, hand picked, fresh water washed and sun dried. Each bean is hand sorted and freshly roasted to ensure the highest possible quality for each cup of Doi Chaang Coffee. Naturally low in caffeine, it has a complex and flavourful profile that is enhanced and released through detailed cultivating, processing and roasting methods.
Outstanding Quality Beans & Company
1. Ranked in the Top1% of World COffee by coffee expert Kenneth Davids ( publisher of )
2.Wild Civet Coffee
Along with our normal coffee beans being rated in the top 1% worldwide, our Civet coffee is rated as no.1 by coffee reviewers worldwide.
3.Doi Chaang Coffee Academy
Using their own resources and initiative, the farmers of Doi Chang Village have built a Coffee Academy to educate coffee farmers in the surrounding region.
4.Beyond Fair Trade
Under the structure of Doi Chaang Coffee Company, our farmers enjoy a carried position in what is a 50% grower owned, an equal partnership.
5.Akha Hillside Tribe
The majority of farming families in Doi Chang Village are of Akha heritage. Rich in culture and tradition, the farmers have no official written language.
Doi Chaang Company always strive to have Doi Chaang Coffee recognized as one of the finest coffees available and its name synonymous with high ethical and sustainable business standards. They are committed to bringing economic and environmental sustainability to the indigenous AKHA hill tribe and Doi Chang Village through the BEYOND FAIR TRADE® business practices to ensure shared economic sustainability and prosperity.

Vox Coffee Business Information

Company Name

Vox Coffee

Company Type


Company Size



Food / Beverage

Company SSM No


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Company Website

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Vox Coffee Company Address

Lot C-GF-46, Block C101 Boulevard Puchong 47100, Malaysia