Xspace Design Hub banner company

Xspace Design Hub

Company SSM No 0096960-U · Employees · Architecture / Interior Design

About Xspace Design Hub

XSpace Design Hub is a one-stop solution that puts communication between all steps of an interior design project at the top of its list of priorities. The key to any interior project is putting it into action from the beginning to the end. Our team of hardworking designers will make sure that projects go smoothly and are completed well. Our business design services include the user experience, which is the key to success in the competitive world of today. Putting emphasis on the user's experience is a good strategy that has led to better connections between people and place. In projects like residential design, we try to get people to use their private areas more by changing the way they see their own homes and making the creative ideas of clients come to life. Come join our growing team and we can assure you an exciting and educational work-life experience.

Xspace Design Hub Business Information

Company Name

Xspace Design Hub

Company Type


Company Size


Architecture / Interior Design

Company SSM No


Job Vacancies