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YP Partners

Employees · Law / Legal

About YP Partners

We are a boutique law firm established by a team of passionate lawyers. We provide wide range of legal services which are accommodated to all kinds of legal matters, legal issues and/or legal disputes commonly faced by both public and private sectors at large including but not limited to Public/Private Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Small and Mid-sized Enterprise (SME), Joint Management Body (JMB) and Individual.


We are committed to provide COMPREHENSIVE and PRACTICAL legal solutions based on client’s objectives. We believe a comprehensive legal solution does not only enable our client to understand the strategy to be adopted and the types of legal actions to be taken at each stage, but it also enables our client to understand and also learn how the legal solution is aimed at achieving their objectives.


In the meantime, we would also ensure the legal solutions offered are practical as it would be futile to offer legal solution which is perfect, but impractical to be executed.


Further, in this remarkably fast-developing era, we recognised that there is a need for our law firm to stay innovative and responsive at work as well as accommodating to all of our client’s needs.


With that, we have placed significant investment in technology which are available in the legal industry to ensure that we are always able to deliver “High quality work in the most expeditious and timely manner” to all of our valuable clients.


YP Partners Business Information

Company Name

YP Partners

Company Type


Company Size


Law / Legal

Company SSM No


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